Boom Spraying
Two Toyota Land Cruisers both mounted with 15 metre Hardi Falcon Booms, running full sectional control with TracMap GPS units, which provide proof of placement to ensure that non target areas are not affected.
Crop Spraying – From the start to the finish we make sure your crop is getting the best protection. We will do everything in our control to ensure the success of your crop. Some of the crops include turnips, maize, chicory, lucerne fodder beets. Understanding what each crop needs and when is the right time to spray is what we do best. This will help to ensure the success of your crops and maximize the yields. We are using the latest nozzle technology which has proven to reduce spray drift by 70%.
Pasture Spraying – We understand how important it is to have a clean weed free pasture and that can be achieved through using the right agrichemcials and seasonal timing. With over 15 years experience in spraying, we have a vast knowledge and have developed weed resistant management systems. Some of the weeds we control are buttercup, docks, thistles, yarrow, hedge mustard, willow weed, yellow bristle grass and dandelion.
Facial Eczema – The best protection from facial eczema is the cost effective application of fungicides, which helps as a preventive process. Done at the right time using your equipment is the best defence against facial eczema.
Liquid Fertiliser Application – With the upcoming nitrogen caps, this means liquid nitrogen is the answer. With fast uptake and no need to wait for rain, it is proving to be an effective way of increasing growth. When applied with our boom spraying trucks we have seen outstanding results. This is due the height of the boom and the choice of our latest nozzles, as this is the key for the best even and effective coverage when compared to standard field nozzles in the Taranaki wind.
Insect Pest Management – Insects can cause devastating damage to crops, pastures and lawns dramatically reducing the quality and yield potential of your crop and if left untreated can totally destroy your lawns or pastures. Some of the most common insects that cause crop damage are grass grub, black beetle, cut worm and clover flea. A simple application of an appropriate insecticide spray can rapidly improve your grass quality and yield. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you choose the correct application to suit your crop situation. Preventing insect damage is the best strategy and a well implemented ‘Integrated Pest Management Programme’ can make the difference between a bumper crop and severe losses for agricultural and horticultural producers.